A Commitment to Excellence

What sets Ivy Prep apart from the competition is that we hire only the most experienced, talented, and personable tutors in the industry. Whereas other education companies often cast wide nets, sometimes hiring hundreds or even thousands of tutors with almost zero quality control, only a select few make the cut at Ivy Prep. Our philosophy is and always has been that quality reigns supreme over quantity. Ivy Prep is a boutique firm while our competition are mass producers. We pay our tutors two to three times what our competition pays, we treat them like valued team members, and in return we attract the most talented tutors in Los Angeles. That level of commitment to excellence is something that our students typically notice on day one.

How We Hire

To become an Ivy Prep tutor is a multi-stage process that fewer than 1% of applicants pass. For any given position that we are looking to fill, the process begins with sifting through hundreds of applications. Next we conduct video interviews which are crucial to ensuring that our applicants have a friendly demeanor that we are confident will help our students feel at ease. If and only if they pass this stage, applicants will then have a demo lesson with Ivy Prep’s Founder and Director, James Caldwell, who has the final word on all new hires.

Being a tutor leading a lesson and facing questions from students can be a high pressure situation, and this final interview is where the heat really gets turned up. If an applicant is able to manage this phase while making it look easy, they are offered a position on the Ivy Prep team. By contrast, to be a tutor with some of our more conglomerate competition, an applicant need only go to their website, make a profile, and they will be immediately listed on the site as a “tutor” in whatever subject they claim to know. The difference is clear.

Our Tutors

After navigating their way through our rigorous hiring process, the tutors who rise to the top all have one thing in common: they are exceptionally talented and experienced.

Every Ivy Prep tutor has at least three years of experience teaching or tutoring their speciality, and they each hold a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. Those are the minimum requirements.

Many of our tutors have over 10 years of experience and many have either Masters or Doctorate degrees. Our GMAT tutors all scored in the 99th percentile. On top of that, every single one of them has a natural talent for putting students at ease and effectively explaining their material. Anyone willing to educate others has taken up a noble cause, but they are not all equals. Some educators have a profound and often natural gift. These are the tutors hired by Ivy Prep.

Dedication to Our Students

While the quality of our tutors is the critical factor in our students’ success, our attentiveness and dedication to each of our students is another factor that sets Ivy Prep apart from the competition. Ivy Prep is a boutique firm in a world of corporate and conglomerate education companies. Anything that one of our students might need is attended to immediately. Questions are answered nearly automatically. Have an issue that you would like to bring up directly with our Founder and Director?

Give us a call at (866) 266-0072 and ask for James.

He likely already knows your name and what class you are in. There is no other education company in Los Angeles that offers its students both such an elite level of tutors and also an unparalleled commitment to customer service. It is typically one or the other, but at Ivy Prep you can have it all. Call us today at (866) 266-0072 and let us help you get started on your path to success.

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